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2 minute read | July 29, 2020

Buying DOOH - A guide to direct and programmatic

Written By: Helen Miall

On Thursday 23rd July, all the major players in the UK OOH industry gathered for MediaTel’s virtual conference debatingThe Future of OOH.

Topics discussed included how OOH players were planning for a future after lockdown, how OOH can be measured in the future, the importance of dynamic advertising, and some best in class campaigns from the past year.

Having recently joined VIOOH as CMO, and with a background in programmatic display and having also used OOH media as a client early in my career, I am passionate about the opportunity and growth that programmatic can bring to the OOH market. The unique benefits of OOH, be that the premium and brand-safe inventory, high impact creative or the refreshing lack of viewability issues, have so much potential to be even more relevant to the audience, responsive and efficient when combined with the power of programmatic.

I was therefore delighted to be able to host a session in MediaTel’s Future of OOH webinar talking about the similarities and differences between buying OOH through a direct buy or programmatically, as well as covering two client case studies, for The Lego Movie 2 and Virgin Active.

Watch my session below, or click here to access the other sessions. To access our one-pager outlining direct and programmatic buying in OOH, sign-up to our mailing list below.


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